Buenos días
¿Modificar apodo?
Thank you very much for your effort, Alberto, Lauran, Bruno and many other!
Kenji Saotome - 2020/12/10 15:50
Bernarda Delgado. CECA PERÚ.
Gracias por esta importante reunion
Bernarda Delgado. CECA PERÚ. - 2020/12/10 15:48
Felicitaciones por la claridad y compromiso.
Eduardo Ugarte ICOM Perú - 2020/12/10 15:46
Thank you for the efforts!
Phaedra (ICOM NATHIST) - 2020/12/10 15:45
Thanks for this webinar !
Sandra Zapata from Canada - 2020/12/10 15:44
Me parece que lo que propone Bruno es muy positivo, es importante abarcar la máyor cantidad posible, porque en Amércia Latina es parte de nuestra legislación la actual definición. Entiendo que se debe actualizar, peor sin quitar ni educación ni Institución permanente.
Eva Guelbert de Rosenthal - 2020/12/10 15:33
Do you will send us some kind of methodologies to guide commiittees on their discussions?
Mila Chiovatto - 2020/12/10 15:23
entiendo que se está sugiriendo la existencia de más de una definici´n, dependiendo de las regiones. Es así?
Raquel Pontet, Uruguay - 2020/12/10 15:18
Roles of museums differ from one another. I am hoping that new museum definition will be accepted by each and every member from all over the world.
Kenji Saotome - 2020/12/10 15:24
How should museums respond differently now that the Anthropocene is here?
Emlyn Koster - 2020/12/10 13:59
Will there be a recording of this presentation available?
Ivana Goossen - 2020/12/10 15:21
I would like to know the history of the term “conservation of the artifact” or “object conservation “
Quyen Hoang - 2020/12/10 15:23
Gracias Lilian y Bruno!
Silvana Lovay - Coordinadora Regional CECA América Latina y el Caribe - 2020/12/10 15:17
In ICOM Czech Republic we tried to analyse the self-definitions of our most important museums, how they defined the purpose of their existence when they were founded, and it bring us many interesting information.
Martina Lehmannova - 2020/12/10 15:23
Thank you for your explanation and for time. Have a good afternoon. FS
fulvia STRANO - 2020/12/10 15:16
La definición ya no es la que tenemos hoy ni la que se trató en Kioto y no acordamos. Hoy más que nunca hay otros temas altamente sensibles que circundan al museo y su rol social en un momento tan complejo.
Silvana Lovay - Coordinadora Regional CECA América Latina y el Caribe - 2020/12/10 15:15
Pero, la definición misma actualizada exige AMPLIAR esos valores clave. Así se actualizaría. Si no, se repetirá lo mismo de definiciones anteriores.
Fernando Almarza Risquez - 2020/12/10 15:05
Es necesario un cambio total de la definición o simplemente una actualización, porque hubo
muchos cambios y también en la visión y en la misión del Museo
Eva Guelbert de Rosenthal - 2020/12/10 15:05
Muchas gracias por posibilitar este encuentro.
Silvana Lovay - Coordinadora Regional CECA América Latina y el Caribe - 2020/12/10 15:03
Please precise the dates at the presentation - instead of "April" precise April 1st or April 30th. Now the timeline is little bit chaotic. Thanks.
Martina Lehmannova - 2020/12/10 14:56
museus são diversos, impossivel o Icom priorizar somente uma definição. Os museus têm que se verem da forma como são, do que tem e como interagem com as tecnologias, saberes e pessoas. Parabenizamos a iniciativa da metodologia e devemos contribuir com as reflexões, tendências e definições.
Fórum de Museus de Base Comunitária da Amazonia. - 2020/12/10 14:54
Hello from Seoul, South Korea! Thanks for sharing this wonderful plan and I look forward to the new definition!! Best regards!
Jisoo Kim - 2020/12/10 14:55
I am not a member of ICOM can I still get access to the material?
Yonca Erkan - 2020/12/10 14:48
Thanks so much for this clear and very inspiring presentation!
Mariska ter Horst (from the Netherlands) - 2020/12/10 14:48
Se piensa hacer un glosario con las palabras claves que se identifiquen en la Fase 1 de Consulta? Do you plan to make a glossary with the keywords identified in the Consultation Phase 1?
Museu Escolar CIEP 241 Naçaõ Mangueirense - RJ/ Marcela Sanches. Problematizar sobre o Museu em tempos de crise humanitária é extremamente importante e disputa de narrativas. Obrigada pelas palestras!
Marcela - 2020/12/10 14:36
Please can you precise the dates in the methodology material? The collecting of proposals shall end in april and in april shall also start the analysis - so both processes will be held in the same time?
Martina Lehmannova - 2020/12/10 14:33
I just checked the Member space - I miss there some contatc, where members can send their informations or proposals. Please add an email. Thanks.
Martina Lehmannova - 2020/12/10 14:26
Hallo from Florence, Italy. From the Uffizi Gallery. Silvia Mascalchi
Hallo from Florence, Italy. From the Uffizi Gallery. Silvia Mascalchi - 2020/12/10 14:26
Hallo from Florence, Italy. From the Uffizi Gallery
Hallo from Florence, Italy. From the Uffizi Gallery - 2020/12/10 14:23
Buen dia y saludos
Teresa Villegas Aneiva - 2020/12/10 14:21
Se escucha y ve perfectamente. Enhorabuena y gracias.
Antonio Bouza @MuseosAndaluces (canal no oficial) - 2020/12/10 14:19
Hello from Canada
David Dean - 2020/12/10 14:13
Hallo to everyone from Rome
fulvia STRANO - 2020/12/10 14:12
If you have a question, please contact your National or International Committee, Regional Alliance or Affiliated Organization President, who will pass it on to the speakers.
ICOM Secretariat - 2020/12/10 14:09
Si vous avez une question, veuillez contacter le président de votre Comité National ou International, Alliance Régionale ou Organisation Affiliée, qui la transmettra aux intervenants.
ICOM Secretariat - 2020/12/10 14:09
Si desea hacer una pregunta, póngase en contacto con el Presidente de su Comité Nacional o Internacional, Alianza Regional u Organización Afiliada, quien la transmitirá a los oradores.
ICOM Secretariat - 2020/12/10 14:09
Pascal Mathieu Dilbeek - 2020/12/10 14:09
Yun Shun Susie CHUNG - 2020/12/10 14:09
Giuliana Ericani - ICOM Italy- Icom Europe
Giuliana Ericani ICOM Itay ICOM Europe - 2020/12/10 14:09
Curitiba-Pr.- Museu de Arte Indígena
Gabardo - 2020/12/10 13:40
Museo Arqueologico Musa Bogotá
Angélica Patricia Córdoba Alvarado - 2020/12/10 14:01
Icom Italy
Adele Maresca Compagna - 2020/12/10 14:03
Si desea hacer una pregunta, póngase en contacto con el Presidente de su Comité Nacional o Internacional, Alianza Regional u Organización Afiliada, quien la transmitirá a los oradores.
If you have a question, please contact your National or International Committee, Regional Alliance or Affiliated Organization President, who will pass it on to the speakers.
Si vous avez une question, veuillez contacter le président de votre Comité National ou International, Alliance Régionale ou Organisation Affiliée, qui la transmettra aux intervenants.
ICOM Secretariat - 2020/12/10 13:51
The webinar will start in 40 minutes.
Le webinaire commence en 40 minutes.
The webinar starts in 40 minutes.
Secretariat - 2020/12/10 13:22
¿Cómo se accede al webinar?
Gisela - 2020/12/02 14:28