Not your name?
Como os museus devem compor seu plano de abertura em associação com os protocolos estabelecidos por países e estados garantindo a segurança de profissionais e visitantes, sabendo que este provavelmente será o setor que terá uma normalidade mais tardia? - 2020/06/23 17:37
As well as museums responding to the physical challenges of access/viewing of exhibits when they reopen, do you think there will also be a shift in the themes/focus of museum displays to include reference to the COVID-19 pandemic as an historical record? If so what do you think these displays may include?
Amanda Bucknall - 2020/06/24 14:01
Em que situações os acervos podem ser infectados pelo vírus e as transmissões do vírus ao longo do tempo para as equipes de trabalho ?
Adilson Nunes de Oliveira - 2020/06/23 16:10
aprés tout cette situation de pandémie commen este-ce que les musées peuvent retrouver la confiance des publics et des vieux personnes que aiment se premener au musée? comme les donner de confiance et de plaisir en visiter les musées outre fois…merci, et santé pour tous
maria da luz nolasco - 2020/06/23 22:39
Thanks for organizing such an important event. We assume that there will be an after Pandemic. What about if it becomes part of our lives like any other flu? Will the museums all over the world be prepared for that? What will ICOM do to ensure no part of the Globe is left behind?
George Abungu - 2020/06/24 15:03
A question for the Panel: what differences/enhancements of the visitor experience do you think will emerge from the pandemic?
Edward Cesare - 2020/06/24 15:16
How to keep "hands-on" in interactive museums? How will the new hands-on be in museum pedagogy of the new pandemic era?
Paulo Henrique Colonese - 2020/06/24 15:16
Museum digital strategies need expertise that is not necesseraly alreday present in museums. On the other side, the economical impact of the closure seems prohibiting new hires. How do we reconcile this situation?
Pino Monaco - 2020/06/24 15:16
Hello and thank you for organizing this event, will there be a general security protocol for all museums from ICOM? Some kind of advice? Smaller museums still have trouble in making such protocol by there selfs. Thank you.
Lejla Hasukic - 2020/06/24 15:17
El reto es entender la diferencia entre espacio público, esfera pública y museo. Con la pandemia se confundieron los términos.
Helena GONZÁLEZ museos MORELOS - 2020/06/24 15:17
Is it possible to have the contact of this speaker? Thank you
Monica - 2020/06/24 15:17
han indagado sobre cuales serán los nuevos hábitos de los visitantes? como serán sus nuevas formas de abordar la cultura?
marina vdh - 2020/06/24 15:19
I Musei che saranno più penalizzati dalla situazione sono i piccoli Musei. Come sarà possibile riuscire a recuperare il proprio pubblico?
Corrado Notario Museo Diffuso di Cavallino Lecce Italy - 2020/06/24 15:19
Thank you for organizing the Webinar! My questions: How can disabled museum audiences be engaged when touch points or surfaces should be reduced or eliminated due to the pandemic? Also, there is a huge digital divide (between rural and urban areas), where not all audiences can be reached digitally, especially in Africa. How can this issue be addressed during the pandemic?
Nicole Beate Hoffmann, UP Museums, South Africa - 2020/06/24 15:21
Digital approaches in each museum during the pandemic affects the positive impact of worldwide visitors, such as the virtual museum tour, podcast, and application access. How museums can expand their engagement virtually after the reopening of museums?
Amirahvelda Priyono - 2020/06/24 15:24
Bonjour tout le monde. Je pense que ca va être difficile pour retrouver la confiance des publics. Pendant cette pandemie, beaucoup de choses sont annulés, notamment les plans pour des expositions. Alors, est ce qu'il possible pour encourager une nouvelle forme de confiance dans les musées? Par exemple, l'implémentation d'interactivités?
Zinn Nasr - 2020/06/24 15:24
Many museums are slowly opening their doors in order to welcome back their visitors. What about the educational programs that take place inside the museum? What about the children's museum that have many hands-on exhibits/activities? It's very important for us – the museum educators - to know in what ways we’ll be back at museum field, organizing interactive activities. Thank you for organizing such an important event.
Alexandra Maravelia, Exploration Children's Museum, Greece, Crete - 2020/06/24 15:24
What is the best way forward for small community museums
Bindu Manchanda - 2020/06/24 15:24
Bonjour et merci pour cette opportunité d'échanges ? est ce qu'un musée africain qui apu réouvrie ses portes après ces longs mois de confinement peut -il parler de ses experiences?merci
Bako Rasoarifetra ICOM Madagasikara - 2020/06/24 15:23
what is the role of museum in the new model of global cultural governance ?
Georgia Manolopoulou - 2020/06/24 15:27
Can you say something about the expieriences how you reached your communities during the lock down.? Was the digital offer really used?
Claudia Augustat - 2020/06/24 15:28
What are the alternatives to digital media dependency in museums? Can we think of reviving older modes of media - radio, post etc?
Harsha - 2020/06/24 15:26
While the pandemic is both a threat and opportunity. Opportunity for example that museums could create exhibitions that contribute to awareness on the danger of the pandemic and ways in which we need to adopt to the new normal. How do museums do this in away that is not intrusive, non threatening, offensive to those who have lost loved one? Also how does museums develop exhibition that does not only appeal to different audiences but also take into consideration that the way grown ups understand things is not the way the very young may do? Can we have some good examples of museums that have started developing information/exhibition in this area?
George Abungu - 2020/06/24 15:26
Many museums in Africa look to ICOM for guidance on specific and minimum guidelines for not only re-opening but going forward into the next 2 years- thank you for wonderful discussion and initiative
Dr S Tiley-Nel - 2020/06/24 15:30
We are a small local history museum. How ncan we engage the community going forward, bearing in mind that the larger part of the community do not have access to internet and other technology.
Louise Roderick - 2020/06/24 15:30
How to recover archives and history artwork after the reopening of museum?
Amirahvelda Priyono - 2020/06/24 15:34
Creen uds que todo apunta a la digitalización y muestras digitales en aquellos lugares donde las conexiones a Internet lo permitan?
Martin - 2020/06/24 15:39
In a society with the corona, what innovations are needed in how to make new connections with materials? How can the museum prepare for the creation of "new learning" in this case?
MisakoNamiki - 2020/06/24 15:30
1) Are there any guidelines for second (or folowing) waves of the pandemic?
2) What is the status of staff? Are they afraid of catching Covid-19 after re-opening?
Thank you
Bülent Özden - Museum of the Princes' Islands / İstanbul - 2020/06/24 15:32
Thank you for this great work, I am concern about conservation. What happens with museums and small institutions that don't have their own conservation team? are the pieces being controlled while museums are closed or half opening? (the panellist from Camerun is the only one has said something about conservation)
Ruth del Fresno-Guillem, Toronto, Canada - 2020/06/24 15:34
Can you mention good practices experiences in educational activities online in museums/heritage sites?
Amilcar Vargas (Barcelona) - 2020/06/24 15:40
What about conservation? Some museums don't have their own staff or conservation department. Do you have some minimal strategies?
Ruth del Fresno-Guillem, Toronto, Canada - 2020/06/24 15:40
Ours is a Railway Museum, attracting mostly school children and College students on a daily basis. We are also responsible to protect the children as How we protect our Exhibits. The Road is rough ahead, but we are working on it. Digitalization, AR/VR, Virtual Tours in Open Air seems to be one good thought. Hopefully, we could get some Guidance in todays talk.Thank you.
Hansel Aubert, Official of Chennai Rail Museum-ICF, INDIA - 2020/06/24 15:36
Many museums are slowly opening their doors in order to welcome back their local visitors. What about the educational programs that take place inside the museum? What about the children's museum that have many hands-on exhibits/activities? It's very important for us – the museum educators - to know in what ways we’ll be back at museum field
Waelgamalhosameldin - 2020/06/24 15:35
I am from Nigeria. As the two speakers have said, there is inequality among museums. Many museums in sub-Saharan Africa had small funding prior to the pandemic and find it difficult to run the museum effectively. With the present pandemic, the situation is likely to be worse. I believe that collaboration with bigger museums and international cultural organizations will help African museums to overcome the effect of the pandemic and serve its audience properly..
Ogechukwu Okpalanozie - 2020/06/24 15:36
Acabamos de reabrir nuestros museos en España pero todavía el público no termina de acercarse a nuestros museos. ¿Cómo podemos reactivarlos y cómo conseguir más ayuda desde nuestros gobiernos y que entiendan que los museos son muy necesarios como dinamizadores culturales? La supervivencia de los pequeños museos va a ser realmente muy difícil.
María Teresa Marín - Murcia, Spain - 2020/06/24 15:31
First of all thank you all for this webinar! What do you think will there be observed decrease in number of visitors because of digitalizing after Pandemic?
Sevinj Nasirova - 2020/06/24 15:40
Will museums have to rethink their ethical obligations in a post-Covid world?
Simon Stephens, Museums Association (UK) - 2020/06/24 15:44
what kind of challenges museum will face after re-open and what kind of measures should we take to handle those challenges.
comi - 2020/06/24 15:43
With the present situation in many museums in sub-Saharan Africa as a result of the pandemic, these museums need immediate support. It will be good if bigger museums in developed countries and international cultural organizations step in to aid any form. Will it be possible?
Ogechukwu Okpalanozie - 2020/06/24 15:42
Is it possible to do something like Virtual tours as live streaming on FB or the official websites of the Museums so the museums won't die and people can still interested in museums and what they show
I know it is not good for financial organizations right now But it will be a great advertisement for the museums after the COVID crisis ends
Mohsen Eltoukhy - 2020/06/24 15:42
In the Netherlands most interactifs can be used with an pen and not hands, so we have less cleaning
Saskia Rutten - 2020/06/24 15:46
Good afternoon, thank you for organising this interesting webinar. Many museums have been stimulated the last 5-10 years to become more self sufficient, less relying on financial support by their governments. This has a result that some of the museums that rely for their financial survival on their visitors (ticketing, merchandising, catering, special events) find themselves now suddenly on the verge of bankruptcy. They are now looking for ways to overcome this obstacle, for eg through crowd funding. Some hoewever have had to let staff go. Can ICOM play a role in informing and sensitising governments on the stuation museums find themselves in, the above being only one example?
Hilde Schoefs - 2020/06/24 15:47
When digitalization is not possible, what would be the best alternative way to reach the visitors for the new normal.
Melissa - 2020/06/24 15:47
¿Qué actividades han pensado para cuando se puedan reabrir los museos para que el público sea agente activo y no tenga miedo de entrar a los museos de un contagio?
Dagoberto Sandoval, Direccion Nacional de Museos Panama - 2020/06/24 15:47
Je suis, en effet, d'accord, pour en profiter pour "s'occuper des visiteurs locaux qui n'ont pas toujours le courage de faire la queue pour les grandes expositions.
Lise Fauchereau - 2020/06/24 15:48
Can "old" technology – radio, newspapers, flyers – be used in places where digital resources aren't available? Additionally, create museum "spaces" be created within communities, for example, at grocery stores or other essential places. Community created exhibits that reflect what is going on in their lives and use these exhibits as a launch pad for dialogue.
Cheryl Kessler, Minnesota, USA - 2020/06/24 15:48
Hello everybody. Thanks for the initiative. How will the Covid-19 crisis react to the museum experience: with less people travelling and thus less tourists (that are often the 'best spenders' for the museum) etc, what could and should museums do in order to build a stronger local community? And is a focus on the local community enough to keep the museum in a healthy financial shape? Thanks!
Sophia - 2020/06/24 15:47
Sometimes when we talk about Africa it is af if it is some kind of blank continent with nothing. There are some countries in the continent that are quite digitized. May be instead of generalizing the continent as always full with problems and no resources and facilities, we should be specific to the 54 different counties. We are not an empty cup or a continent of constant conflicts. If anything Africa has done better that all the other continents in managing the pandemic and let us use what we have in a way that suits us!! Where there are challenges of course we understand and as Africans we can start sharing ideas on what we need to do!!
George Abungu - 2020/06/24 15:47
Thank you very much for this initiative. Following Cristina Lleras's comment about solidarity in this new age, wouldn't it be helpful for small museum or museums that do not have conservators in staff, that bigger institutions could share those resources and assist them in developing emergency plans or conservation procedures ?
Aitziber Velasco, Guggenheim Bilbao Museum - 2020/06/24 15:50
Given the fact that in some communities people do not visit their local museums very often - for several reasons. Do you think that, due to the fact that international tourism is now frozen, local communities can be more easily attracted to visiting museums? Not only because there are less visitors, but because museums will actually focus more on the communities? Thank you. Very, very interesting webinar!
Cândida Cadavez - 2020/06/24 15:51
the future of educational programmes, of health and wellbeing programmes, of outreach programmes, outreach programmes and the social profile of museums
KATERINA MAVROMICHALI - 2020/06/24 15:53
Est-ce que vous prévoyez de réduire le nombre de visiteurs simultanés à la réouverture des musées?
Khalil S. - 2020/06/24 15:54
Thank you for organizing this timely webinar for museum communities.
The Pandemic has compressed and accelerated the changes which were inevitable for museum professions. We need to reframe our mindsets and new tools. What are the measures to prepare the existing staff equipped with the challenges?
Inkyung Chang - 2020/06/24 15:53
Thank you all for your great comments. One of you mentionned the difficult situation for tour guides. How do you envision the future of tours, visitor experience... online/digital ? with limited groups? Outstide of the museum ?
Pierre-François - 2020/06/24 15:55
Thank you!
How can museums separate the economic burden from their reason of existence ?
Jlh - 2020/06/24 15:56
Thank you so much for this event. It is so important to acknowledge so many different situations and ideas. Very nice and important.
Maria - São Paulo, Brazil - Instituto Itaú Cultural - 2020/06/24 15:56
People already are indoors for so long, so, guess, Digitalization is not the ultimate, not a perfect substitute, and nothing like ' being there', 'enjoy the moment', so what can we do to get that old experience back into our lives?
Hansel Aubert, Official of Chennai Rail Museum, ICF, CHENNAI, INDIA - 2020/06/24 15:56
How can we as a community of museums share resources and support our interests through partnerships?
Margaret Connors McQuade - 2020/06/24 15:57
Do you think that all the remote and digital offers during the confinement will "seduce" new visitors to go to museums now? thank you.
Cândida Cadavez - 2020/06/24 15:59
I think the pandemic has emphasised the need for Museums to focus on the things that make them individual and unique. This can only partly be accomplished through digitising. The importance of the authenticity of things and telling history through things, interpreting things can be highlighted. This will support Museums' collecting in the future as well.
Mimi - 2020/06/24 16:00
In reaction to the question by Cristina Lleras on solidarity in sharing expertise and practices between museums: from AEOM, the Association of European Open Air Museums, we have sent out general guidelines for all our members, large and small, with regards to a safe reopening of open air museums when allowed by the respective governments in order to Ensure that all of them have access to the same basic guidelines and information.
Hilde Schoefs ~ Association of European Open Air Museums (AEOM) - 2020/06/24 16:03
We as a community could share our measures after COVID-19 and learn from each other. I would like to learn, how you deal with group activities, especially with children? How to get into the normal with activities? Somehow that's what people miss, after all this lockdown. Digitalization can´t beat human contact and interaction.
Lejla Hasukic, Steinzeitdorf Pestenacker, Landsberg am Lech (Germany) - 2020/06/24 16:06
Cristina, that would be an actual contribution to communities - solidarity and responsibility.
Cândida Cadavez | ESHTE | Portugal - 2020/06/24 16:07
Would ICOM or any other body release broad guidelines on how to ensure museums are considered safe and yet remain engaging?
Carolina - 2020/06/24 16:06
Which activities can attract people who has been locked for many months in their homes, to come to visit museums specially during the summer period?
latifa - 2020/06/24 16:08
Government funding has its strong points, but it can also have drawbacks in terms of the vision, opinions and roles that the museum can assume.
Mimi - 2020/06/24 16:08
How should Museums approach hiring practices moving forward? And are any current positions being threatened due to the pandemic? Thank you.
Cassandra Tavukciyan - 2020/06/24 16:08
How can we explain to the government how much museums are essential and how much is it important to support culture by public financing ? regarding to the fact that culture is not necessarily the priority, what arguments do we have ?
GR - 2020/06/24 16:09
Hilde, I am really interested in your guidelines. We are a Science museum in Mexico, and a lot lf touching experiences cannot happen anymore. I was just considering using the garden, but I really do not have experiences on this topic. I would love to hear from you, please! my e mail is, Thanks in advance
Hilde Schoefs: I´d love lo read the guidelines. Universum is a science museum, a lot of touching won´t be allowed and I was considering to shift towards the garden. Can you please share this info with me? My e mail is
Maria Emilia - 2020/06/24 16:11
what an undeveloped country should do. where the govt and people also facing crisis then how they can fund the museums of t
heir country. please shed light on this point.
Kinza - 2020/06/24 16:10
This is a wonderful panel. Question, can you suggest some ways that we as a museum community can share resources through partnerships?
Margaret Connors McQuade from NYC - 2020/06/24 16:11
Museums coming out of lockdown and providing a safe environment should consider each of their visitors as potential ambassadors who can encourage their local communities to support, engage with and support their local museums going forwards.
Timothy Ambrose - 2020/06/24 16:09
I wander what about little private galleries, what will be your recomendations?
Mariam Chorgoliani - 2020/06/24 16:12
Thank you for providing the opportunity to hear from museum people around the world. I am learning from speakers but also from excellent questions from everyone. We all are working so hard to come up with ways to survive and connect with our visitors. Can major museums around the world share their experience and expertise with medium size or small museums around the world through ICOM workshops? This Covid 19 period should be used for museums to develop different muscles which we didn't need use in peace time. International cooperation and support are needed more than ever for this process since no one can be sure that Covid 19 will be the last pandemic we will be facing. Thank you.
Sarah - 2020/06/24 16:13
Muchas gracias , muito obrigado, thank you very much
Rodolfo - 2020/06/24 16:13
Thank you to ICOM and all the panelists for an enlightening and interesting discussion about all your experiences from around the world, and how the pandemic has affected you in different ways, which we may otherwise know about.
Alex Chubaty, Australian Sports Museum and Melbourne Cricket Club Museum - 2020/06/24 16:14
The pandemic coming not long after the museum community did not agree in what museums are, does ICOM now see this as a lost opportunity. From what we see and here, museums are more than ever needed to be caring, communities oriented, on the ground, engaged in social issues and discussing issues including rights of communities and their empowerment in all areas. Will the the realization of their newly expected role influence the museum definition? Otherwise what are the plans for ICOM and the Museum community to convince those supporting the museum that the institutions are just as caring, relevant, inclusive and empowering to the communities and societies that they were yesterday or today? And especially in in this time for competition for resources? Do Yoga and Meditation like in Columbia?
George Abungu - 2020/06/24 16:13
This has been a very helpful discussion. Thank you for sharing your current experiences.
Kim Bush Tomio - 2020/06/24 16:14
Thank you for a very intersting discussion!
Kicki Eldh - 2020/06/24 16:14
Thank you, very interesting and valuable.
Kicki Eldh - 2020/06/24 16:13
The physical sharing of the Museum experience is seriously affected by social distancing. How can Museums remain 'public spaces' and avoid becoming 'cultural booths' designed only for individuals ?
YIANNIS MARKAKIS - Cretan open-air Museum "LYCHNOSTATIS" - 2020/06/24 16:12
Muchas gracias
Ana Lucía Llano - 2020/06/24 16:15
I would like the contact from the speakers please.
Camila - 2020/06/24 15:37
How can we let the government prioritize culture and museum? When the whole country is suffering from the pandemic.
Melissa - 2020/06/24 16:15
muchas gracias a los panelistas y a los organizadores
teresa villegas aneiva - 2020/06/24 16:15