Not your name?
ICOM - 2021/12/15 17:04
- 2021/12/15 17:03
Une requte: Est-il possible de revoir la conférence? on pensait que 16.00 est était 16.00 GMT. Donc on a raté une bonne partie. Merci.
Pierre Andre Coly, musée régional de Thiès, SENEGAL - 2021/12/15 17:01
What process do you use if two elders disagree on the content or way in which it is delivered?
C - 2021/12/15 17:00
Cual es la implicación de los jóvenes en todos estos procesos. Cómo se puede motivar a las nuevas generaciones para que aporten a este proceso?
- 2021/12/15 16:53
Will everything that is restituted be put on display, or are there certain types of objects which need to be kept in less communal spaces and cared for by particular members of the community, or some taht should be allowed to degrade naturally?
Meghan - 2021/12/15 16:51
What is the relationship between the Museum and the academia. Do you think there is real link between the academic discussions and the reality of contemporary museums related with decolonization processes?
- 2021/12/15 16:42
Thanks for great talk
Can you explain the collonalisim approach in museums
Asmaa - 2021/12/15 16:40
Have you faced difficulties with regional and national legislations, regarding the relationship with the objects?
- 2021/12/15 16:37
How do you decide what to decolonize and what not to, if all your collection was acquired by non indigenous peoples?
Betty Karanja, Kenya - 2021/12/15 16:36
Si tiene preguntas, por favor escríbalas en el chat
Si vous avez des questions, veuillez les poser dans le chat.
If you have questions please write the in the chat
- 2021/12/15 16:35